Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Works from Previous years

Works from Previous years
Please do not duplicate


Maria Agnesi

Agnesi lived her life battling the norms of conventon

Agnesi owned a shovel and liked to dig!

Agnesi's life was part of a mathematical system of opposing differential and integral calculus.

Agnesi was made from a series of polygons.

'Susan' is the modern reincarnation of Agnesi.

Issac Newton

Newton was confident that curls get the girls!

If it wasnt for apples, we would still be floating in space.

Newton believed that the sun holds the power to the universe.

Every object has its own force of attraction.

Humans will deconstruct the earth through the overdevelopment of society.

Sigmund Freud

The mind is a prison.

Smoking increases the capacity to work.

Freud believed in the use of cocaine to heal physical and mental illness.

Freud believed he was an artificial construct.

The mind has another level when in hypnosis.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Reiterating submission requirements

Dear Tute Group,

Trust all is proceeding well for the hand in Experiment 1 Sunday March 27 by 9:00pm.. Just to reiterate the assessment criteria and assessables we have been working with for and towards for the past 4 weeks you need to ensure your blog has the following:


In addition to the overall course assessment criteria students will be assessed on the level and extent to which they engage with the criteria listed below:

THE THREE WORDS _ Do the three words work together to suggest a distinctive and significant approach to engaging with each artists work?
THE 18 SKETCH SECTIONS _ Do the 18 sketch sections communicate a distinctive and significant approach the student has taken with respect to the artists work and their relationship to the datum?
THE 36 CUSTOM TEXTURES _ Do the 36 custom textures demonstrate enquiry and experimentation with respect to ideas of measurement?
THE STAIR _ Does the stair demonstrate a distinctive and significant approach to bringing the completed artwork into the gallery?
THE ANIMATIONS AND ARCHITECTURE _ Do animations demonstrate that the student has thought about the relative size of each element, what their proportions are, their orientation, how texture and color map over their surfaces and how all of the above work together to establish the balance or otherwise of their scheme?

Complete by Sunday March 27 by 9:00pm.

1. Continue to develop your Sketchup model through to a high level of conceptual resolution. This model should include the best examples of your custom textures (remember, not all of the models geometry needs to be textured) and the scenes used to construct your animations.

2. Upload 3 images of your developed Sketchup model and the set of 2 dimensional section drawings from your notebooks to your blog. Include each materials name as a caption.

3. Create 3 short (15 second max) animations based on the points of view and sections discussed above. Use the export settings shown below.

Note: With video animation there are a great deal of options in terms of how a video is saved. In sketchup you can specify the frame size, the frame rate, the file type, the codec (compression and decompression type) and aspect ratio to name a few. For your animations in exp1 use the settings below.

3. Upload your final Sketchup model to Google Warehouse. Include "ARCH1101", "EXP1", "2011" and your "Full Name" as tags to your Google Warehouse uploads. See below for a tutorial on how to do this; the appropriate section is labeled "Share your models in the 3D Warehouse". http://sketchup.google.com/support/bin/answer.py?answer=37939&topic=9061

4. Upload the 3 short (15 second max) animations to YouTube and embed them in your blog. Include "ARCH1101", "EXP1", "2011" and your "Full Name" as tags to your YouTube uploads

Worthwhile having a look at the http://www.russelllowe.com/arch1101_2011/experiment1/reference/arch1101_marking_schedule_exp1.pdf

Good luck


Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Tasks to be completed before Studio Week 4

Hope you have all completed the following

36 words to describe material properties

Placed them into three categories

Made 36 material sections

Selected one of the two schemes for development

Apply the image of the artists work to simple shapes developed in Sketchup to approximate the size and scale of the artwork

Selected 3 of 36 textures developed and applied them to the Sketch up model selectively

I hope all this can be brought to the studio and/or uploaded to your blog.



Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Learning Sketch up

Hi all,

Like most softwares expect a sense of intutive learning so does sketch up. As with drawing by hand is self taught and learnt through practice and observation so is sketch up. There are detailed video tutes online and I will find it surprising if most of you dont make use of them! They can be found on http://sketchup.google.com/training/videos/new_to_gsu.html

Good luck and see you in studio.


Week 3

Please post Tasks done in Studio and Independent Study for Week 2 ASAP!


Tuesday, March 8, 2011


The important think for you to think of is not just the form of the stairs but
Their rhythm – Pace of movement
Dimension, geometry and profile

Are they enclosed, exposed…
How their descend and ascend
Stairs mediate AND connect planes so think of them as a habitable threshold



Week 2 Note 1

Please upload your Google Sketch Up Sections ASAP

Frederick Kareh your blog address frederickkaren.blogspot.com does not work - Please let me know the correct address.

Amy Vickers your blog address amyvicky9922.blogspot.com does not work - Please let me know the correct address.


Monday, March 7, 2011

Hi all

Some quick sections and sectional models Hittorf; Church of Solitude Project, New York, New York, Longitudinal section Gaetano Pesce; Charles Garnier's Paris Opera; BV Doshi; Viollet Le Duc

Dont forget to get all the sections and the 3 d development in Sketchup model

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Independent Study

Just to remind you that the Independent Study Required you to do this.

Complete by the beginning of next weeks tutorial.

In consultation with your tutor take one of the sections created in class and develop it in 3 dimensions using Google SketchUp 8.

Note: In Google SketchUp begin by following the "Google Sketchup New Users" video tutorials here: http://sketchup.google.com/training/videos/new_to_gsu.html. Do parts 1-4. Have the "Instructor" open while you select tools to use WINDOW > INSTRUCTOR. We expect that the 3 dimensional model will be different than you first imagined in your sketch's, this is a normal part of the design development process so move ahead with confidence as your 3 dimensional model "evolves".

TIP: You will be most successful when learning computer software if you work together in groups. Your collegues in ARCH1101 are one of your most valuable resourses.

2. Save two images from your SketchUp model and upload them, along with the page from your sketchbook that you based it on, to your blog. Include the two words that the architecture responds to as a caption to the images and confirm your material selection.

3. In the "Dashboard" of your Blogger account go into "Settings" then "Comments" and then change "Who Can Comment?" to " Anyone - includes Anonymous Users". Make sure you hit the "Save Settings" button at the bottom of the page.

Note: make sure you save the SketchUp model in a safe place as it will be a part of your EXP1 submission.

Week 1

Hi all,

Energetic Studio Week 1

Please see http://www.russelllowe.com/arch1101_2011/experiment1/reference/Lecture_One_EXP1_Intro2011.pdf for the lecture uploaded by Russell

Hope you all are progressing well with the Independent Study and I need to see them uploaded on the blog site before the Week 2 studio

Thank you
