Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Maria Agnesi

Agnesi lived her life battling the norms of conventon

Agnesi owned a shovel and liked to dig!

Agnesi's life was part of a mathematical system of opposing differential and integral calculus.

Agnesi was made from a series of polygons.

'Susan' is the modern reincarnation of Agnesi.

Issac Newton

Newton was confident that curls get the girls!

If it wasnt for apples, we would still be floating in space.

Newton believed that the sun holds the power to the universe.

Every object has its own force of attraction.

Humans will deconstruct the earth through the overdevelopment of society.

Sigmund Freud

The mind is a prison.

Smoking increases the capacity to work.

Freud believed in the use of cocaine to heal physical and mental illness.

Freud believed he was an artificial construct.

The mind has another level when in hypnosis.

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